Hi everyone, I am using the ScrollTo Method from the ScrollView class. Is there a way to ad an animation to it so it smoothly scrolls to the position?
This worked for me. In Unity, find the “UnityDefaultRuntimeTheme” file in the project window and open it. In it’s inspector window, you should see a “Unity Default Runtime Theme” header. Below that, you should see a “Style Sheets” header. Make your own stylesheet to override the unity components styles and add it there. Now whatever Unity component styles you want to override can happen in your added stylesheet.
For my case, I needed to transition horizontally so I used
.unity-scroll-view__content-container--horizontal {
transition: transform 1.5s;
transition-property: translate;
transition-timing-function: ease-out;
I found the specific style class name that I needed to override by using the UI Toolkit Debugger.