Animated line between two points

maybe this will be a pretty noobish question, but I can’t figure out how to make a 2D “animated” line.
Basically, what I need is to make an animated fire effects between the game character and multiple specific points. What I thought to do was use multiple line renderers, but I don’t know how to go about the animation :confused:

Could anyone please point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!

anyone any ideas? please :slight_smile:

Hello there,

Usually, to achieve this kind of thing you would use a particle system attached to an empty gameobject.
Give it a start and end position, then make it go from A to B over time.

This here could help you setup the particle system itself so it leaves a nice trail.

This will help you move the object with the particle from A to B, with smoothing methods and some other neat things.

Hope that helps!

