Animated Mesh and Moving Colliders


  • I have a mesh of a human running around.
  • The mesh has a a bunch of primitive colliders (capsule colliders) on each body part (legs, arms, torso head).
  • The root game object has a rigidbody set to is kinematic to adhere to the fact that it has a moving colliders.


Considering the body parts are also moving (via animation), does each body part need it’s own rigidbody component set to is kinematic OR do they act as a compound collider and therefore not need their own rigid body components but can just have a single rigid body component on the root game object of the human model, even though they are indeed moving independently through animation?

See: (Compound Colliders)

Thanks :slight_smile:

Every separate moving object that has a collider must also have its own RigidBody, yes.