animated model (3ds max) not playing

i create a simple cube with a sphere over it and i animated sphere. start : 0 end : 80
i exported into unity (used importing 2010 format after tried with 2011 , cause i’ve got 32 bit system)
then i import into unity with the name “mod.fbx” (all question done by me you said me "detail , detail ,detail, want details ??? here you are xD) and in the animation panel i choose the animation with default take start 0 end 80 and name “take000” . in the inspector i chose the animation and i player the game with “scene” maximized and the animation won’t play :frowning: any tip or suggestions ???

I think the problem is with import settings.

Select the model you created in 3DS Max and the import settings will appear. Then choose Rig tab.

Select animation type to Legacy instead of generic. It will load any animation

your a legend mate been stuck on that for a while it always the simple answers that have catch you :wink:

I still have problems. I have done this, make an animation in 3DS max 2015 64 bit then export FBX. I am making planes and I made animations in 3DS max for the landing gear. The planes I get from various sources.

Some planes work fine by setting the Rig Animation Type to “Legacy”. However one or two planes in particular what happens when I trigger the animation is the Root Game Object is MOVED or the camera is moved, and it looks like the root Game Object that the animation is attached to moves. If I set the animation back to “Generic” it doesn’t disappear, but the animation doesn’t work!

I can get the animation to work, setting it to “Legacy” but if the Root Object disappears or is moved far away, I can’t see the animation. By luck I got the plane to move relative to the camera so the camera was in the middle of the plane model… with Legacy enabled, I could see the CORRECT Animation of the Front Landing Gear.

Any Ideas?

I have a script that drives the animation, I got it from UnityFS a physics tool on the Asset store. In general this is a very good tool, and the script and animations work fine on other models, it’s just a couple that are problems. It may have something to do with the hierarchy…

I’m looking for answer if anyone has experience with this.
