In Asset Sore: Animated Samurai | Characters | Unity Asset Store
Animated Samurai - universal warrior will come soon:
Samurai model only has 1,031 polygons 1,854 triangles and 962 vertexes.
With 2 bows, 7 arrows, 2 katans, spear, suriken and axe - 1,652 polygons, 3,016 triangles and 1,583 vertexes
38 animations.
Hope you will like it.
I like it. And I don’t think so it’s free
Thank you guys.
It will be almost free. $35.
Your model is awesome as always, mr_Necturus
Thank you Alienchild!
I like your new icon.
Looks fantastic. I really liked your wizard so will defiinitely consider finding a place for this in my game.
Thank you Rajmahal.
I already uploaded it in to Asset Story staff review and waiting for approval.
Awesome as usual For once, I don’t actually know if I can use this, but will probably buy it anyway as support for what I consider to be one of the best character modellers in these forums
Great job
Good looking models. Still waiting for you to do an elf, orc, troll, and goblin
Thank you guys.
Your comments gives me motivation to create all this. You know I have no much time for external work now, but I promise to continue anyway.
brown2na, I have one goblin character already here: Animated Goblin Warrior | Characters | Unity Asset Store
And it will be 2 more variations of this race later: goblin shaman and goblin king.
you are welcome!