I am developing a 2D platformer that takes heavy inpiration from Rayman Origins, and I had the idea of using a Sprite Shape to create some waterfalls that would flow on some rocks in the background of my levels (so no need for colliders or anything). Of course a waterfall needs to be animated and I was wondering if there is a way to make that happen, I don’t think there’s a way to make a Sprite Shape Profile animated, the only thing I could think of was to change the Sprite Shape Profile assigned to the Sprite Shape controller each 5 frames or so to simulate animation but I’m pretty sure that’s not a viable option due to how heavy it would be on performance.
Is there another way I can’t think of? Maybe having multiple children with a different profile (with a different animation frame basically) and only activate one at a time through the animation timeline? Anyone has a better idea?
One option would be to create a scrolling shader. I believe this is similar to what Rayman (and a lot of other games) do to create a flowing water effect.
Something like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OEFJQ1cB6IQ
I haven’t thought about it, probably because I don’t usually delve into shaders that much, but this could be very useful for water, lava, all sorts of things.
Thank you!
Animating Sprite Shapes for Waterfalls in a 2D Platformer
Understanding the Challenge:
- Performance: Animating Sprite Shape Profiles frame-by-frame can be computationally expensive.
- Complexity: Managing multiple child Sprite Shapes and their activation can be complex.
Proposed Solution: Texture Animation
A more efficient and effective approach is to use texture animation. This involves creating a single texture that contains multiple frames of the waterfall animation. Then, you can use the UV coordinates of the Sprite Shape to cycle through these frames.
- Create a Texture Atlas:
- Design or find a texture that contains multiple frames of your waterfall animation.
- Ensure that the frames are arranged in a grid-like pattern.
- Set Up the Sprite Shape:
- Create a Sprite Shape in your scene.
- Assign the texture atlas to the Sprite Shape’s Material.
- Animate UV Coordinates:
- Use a script to dynamically update the UV coordinates of the Sprite Shape’s Material.
- This will effectively cycle through the frames of the waterfall animation.
Example Script:
`C#using UnityEngine;
public class WaterfallAnimator : MonoBehaviour
public Material waterfallMaterial;
public float animationSpeed = 1.0f; // Adjust as needed
private Vector2[] uvCoords;
private int frameIndex = 0;
void Start()
// Assuming a 4x4 grid of frames
int numFrames = 16;
uvCoords = new Vector2[4];
float frameWidth = 1.0f / 4.0f;
float frameHeight = 1.0f / 4.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
uvCoords[i] = new Vector2(frameWidth * (frameIndex % 4), frameHeight * (frameIndex / 4));
waterfallMaterial.SetUVs("_MainTex", uvCoords);
void Update()
frameIndex += (int)(animationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
if (frameIndex >= 16)
frameIndex = 0;
uvCoords[0].x = frameWidth * (frameIndex % 4);
uvCoords[1].x = frameWidth * ((frameIndex + 1) % 4);
uvCoords[2].x = frameWidth * ((frameIndex + 1) % 4);
uvCoords[3].x = frameWidth * (frameIndex % 4);
waterfallMaterial.SetUVs("_MainTex", uvCoords);
Use code with caution.
Additional Considerations:
This also seems like a great solution, but way more complicated than the previous one. It is still valid if one would like to have a more “classic animation” feel to the waterfall.