Hi, I’m still actually very new to animating 2D objects in Mecanim. it’s been a rough and rocky road but I think I’m beginning to get the hang of it.
I’ve attached a link to a 7zip containing the sprite and animation. Best way to reproduce it is to slide back and forth, then go to the middle key, and then pick an object like the tail end or a the back-wing parts and try to move them around. It has been my experience that the objects either get stuck or take a very long time to move from point a to point b.
I’m animating a new asset with multiple limbs and I’m beginning to encounter the same issue. I’m able to to kind of get around the sluggishness by editing curves directly, but I would REALLY like to just move parts around in the UI.
This is seriously becoming detrimental to our production. I hope this can be addressed soon.
Posting this for anyone else encountering similar issues.
Someone recommended I try reverting to legacy. So far, it seems to help. Not completely, but I’m actually able to move pieces around!
Something strange is happening. I thought I was using legacy mode, but I’d create a new clip, change it to legacy mode in debug mode, then go back to the animation window and the timeline would disappear saying i need to create a new clip. Creating a new clip just creates a new mecanim and switching it to legacy only makes it disappear agian.
I’m trying to animate an attack right now and I’ve reached a point where it’s almost impossible to rotate parts or even move them. I’ve attached a link to the current file if anyone wants to try. I’d like to know if anyone else is having this issue.
Check that: I’m experiencing issues again. I’ve even tried replacing elements with much smaller ones, where the original pieces equaled around 4 megs, the proxy version only takes up 40k and I’m still experiencing lag after setting a few keyframes. It seems to get worse with every new keyframe set as well. Given that the graphics are so small and memory usage for them is negligible, I’m gonna say it’s an issue with the actual animation engine.