"Animating" a model by looping throw different meshes, like a spritesheet

I’m currently working on a game that uses voxel-style models for characters etc., they have a sprite-like look to them, but 3d of course. Would it be feasible to animate the models without the usual animation (bones/rigs with Animator/Animation component), but rather having “frames” like in a 2D spritesheet, with each frame being a seperate mesh, and when the model does an attack or jumps, it loops through a series of meshes?

I know how to assign meshes do the meshfilter of course, I just wonder how resource-intensive it is to assign meshes every few frames continually.

A good example is 3D Dot Game Heroes:

apparently an asset on the store called megafiers is famous for this

Looks quite similar to this,

(I think have seen other animated cube-voxel things in forums also…)