Animating humanoids

Im trying to animate few characters from scratch (didnt find specific animations for their weapons and tools)
i made one animation using the method described in this video

which is manipulating the animator properties one by one which proves really tedious.

Is there an easier way im missing?
A workaround that allows recording changes i make in the editor window?
pretty please?

Another thing is the model twists its lower part to compensate for movements on the upper part,
how can i ensure the legs stay in place and only the upper body moves?

ty :slight_smile:

For anything other than very primitive animations you probably want to use a 3d program like Blender, Maya, or 3ds Max.

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it depends if your animation you want to add to idle, walk, run is “static” or complex. (if you want create static upperbody motion try [fixer.cs]( Renegade Project [DriverN Shooter system] page-3#post-4673708)
it sounds like you using upper body mask. (though you might use it not right)
the hip rotation depends on the base layer animation, mocap tends to swing much, you probably could correct the spine (CCDIK?).

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Ty for the responses! i will look up your suggestions :slight_smile: