Animating Ragdolls


I have a question about animating ragdolls. I know how to make a ragdoll using Unity’s wizard. I also get how to make it transition from Mecanim to ragdoll by disabling/enabling the animator and kinematic elements. However, I want to know if and how it is possible to combine Mecanim with a ragdoll. Say I have an animation that animates only the feet of my character - a simple walking animation, but without arm movements. The ragdoll should follow the movement while at the same time making the arms flail around. A great example of this would be this game, which is also being made in Unity:

Due to the combination of animation and ragdolls, the combat really looks as smooth as butter. I want to achieve a similiar effect. Can anybody explain this or at least point me to a good resource? I really don’t want to have to buy a plug-in as I want to understand the topic, not just slap it on my character.

Thanks in advance.

I’m using THIS

Ragdolls are made using special components: Colliders, Joints, and Rigidbodys(I think). So, if you want the arms to move(maybe even the whole body), you should create the ragdoll, but remove the components from the objects that should not be effected by the ragdoll.

Hope this helps, comment if you still need help.

Check out my game Face Puncher on the Google Play Store, it’s similar to Gang Beasts, entirely animated with physics.

If you have questions send a message to BigSmokeGames on facebook, my business page.