Animation and Blendshapes

How can i control all blendshapes via Animation in Unity 4.3? Animation creates keyframes for first blendshape only.

I think I had the same problem as you, and I found a solution.

The reason Unity only created keyframes for the first blendshape target is because all of the blend shape targets have the same name in Unity. This is what happened to me when I exported my blend shape animation as an FBX from 3DS Max 2013. To fix the problem I saved my .max file out as a 2012 .max file and opened it in 3DS Max 2012. I then exported as FBX from 2012 and when I imported it into Unity the blend shape targets had their different names that I had set in 3DS max and they would all animate in Unity.

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

I don’t have max 2012 installed. I’ve tried exporting from max 2013 with all the available FBX versions (including the latest update back to 2006). Cannot get the proper names to appear. I did a test by going via Maya and resetting up the blendhshapes there which worked. It’s not a feasible pipeline though - it breaks the skin weights of existing prefabs. Plus all the animations are passed through a retargeting script in max. Surprised this is still a fault.

I’ve run into this problem as well. No matter what .fbx format I use the blendshape names only import the first letter of the name I had specified in 3DS Max 2013.

I did find a workaround that allows me to rename the blendshapes, without using a second version of Max. Follow your normal steps and export a .fbx as usual. Now in Max make a new file and import your exported .fbx… you should then see the blendshapes listed as individual objects in the layer list (under default). You can rename these objects here and then re-export a new .fbx from this file… once you import this fbx into Unity the blendshape names appear properly.

It’s a bit tedious, but it’s worked for me everytime.

Same problem with blendshapes names here, with 3dsmax 2013.
For me, export as binary FBX 2011 version solve the issue (broken with FBX 2013)