Animation and Culling mode

Hi, I have a question on animator’s culling mode,

Assume that the culling mode is ‘Based on Renderer’, I want a npc to jump from high place down to ground, and I use an animation to control the ‘hips’ of the npc to implement this ‘jumping down’,

and if the high place is quite high that the AABB 's out of the frustum of the cam,

So it will cause the animation to never update, and i will never see the npc jump down, right?

If so, should we always turn on ‘Always update’ for RootMotion models?

Culling doesn’t affect root motion evaluation. Animator root motion is always evaluate independently of the culling mode

Best regards

That’s great for root motion, and what about the animation without rootmotion?
E.g. The model’s transform is always on the floor, but the hips is animated to drop from very high place, so will the model to always stay un-updated and never drop down?

Root motion does include all 3 axes: x,y,z. And in such case your root motion should include these 3 axes otherwise you will get an unexpected result. ;).

By the way root motion can be animation driven or script driven(OnAnimatorMove)