Animation and keyboard position


On the one hand I’ve a fish that has a sinusoidal animation in the y-axis to simulate that is in the water.
On the other hand, I can move the fish with the arrows of the keyboard to the left or to the right, but I’ve a problem…

Like the root position are controlled by the curves of the animation, I can’t move the fish with the keyboard…
I want to move it with the keyboard, but at the same time I would like that the fish will be doing the sinusoidal movement of the animation.

How I can do that?

Thanks so much!

any idea?

Can you show the rig you have? If I’m understanding correctly, you’re going to want to apply the sinusoidal anim to the skeleton and then be applying movement to the object above it in the hierarchy. If you have root motion, this would mean that you apply to everything spine down, and then the root above it has only the movement animation.
Hope that helps!