Animation + Animate Physics + Interpolate = Chaos?

Anyone else encounted this bug yet?

I have simple platformer and am using a rigidbody for my character (I need to rotate it around the Z axis so I can’t use a character controller).

If I use an Animation component to animate a moving platform as a kinematic rigidbody and enable it’s Animate Physics option everything works as expected and as described in the manual. My rigidbody character in contact with the animated platform is carried around with it.

However, as soon as you enable Interpolate or Extrapolate to try and smooth out the motion of the platform it just seems to cause chaos and randomly bounce/flick any rigid bodies away from it.

I’m pretty sure this is not “as expected” behaviour but can’t see any way around it.

Hi there,

I found a similar bug in the 2d tutorial with the space ship.
Once I tried flying around everything went CRAIZY!!!
