Animation bug in additive layer


I’m trying to animate a hand which pulls a lever and is also able to flick a switch at the same time.
I have a layer for the handle animation which works fine. And a layer for the switch animation which is set to additive. When I preview the animation everything seems fine. But when I run it through the game. I have this wierd animation. Like it’s overreaching and snapping back.

I tried swapping the handle animation to an additive layer instead. Then my switch animation was correct. But then the hand animation was over reaching. Is there something I’m missing that I need to do to get this to work?
Here is an image!AjU-nlxVmNbdgbB-Tk3zamfvmmm0LA

I have the same issue of the animation overshooting, have you found a solution? I know this is old but this bug (?) still exists