First of all i have no experience in animation at all, and am stuck without knowing where the problems are coming from.
So to my Problem:
I use the Unity Live Capture Package to record some Facetracking i want to apply to an avatar.
I want this animation only to apply to the face and i want the avatar to also play a sitting animation and later on want to use animation rigging to have IK for the hands and the upper body.
Now it seams that the recorded clip from the live capture contains deformation for parts of the avatar that does not show up in the Animation window if i select the clip:
It only contains properties related to the face Actor, Head and Eyes. If look at the preview in the Inspector with the Unity default Character, i see that the character hase a strange pose:
My Avatar has a controller with a simple sitting animation in the animation controller, but when i start the playback of this recording over the takerecorder from the livecapture package, my avatar will switch to this pose and plays my face recording and after finishing it switches back to the sitting animation.
So my questions are where is this starnge pose coming from? where is it stored? how can i remove /override it?
I already tried adding an AvatarMask to the Track in the Timeline of the Playable director from the Takerecorder, that should mask everything except the head.
Thanks in advance for any hint.