Animation Designer - Editor tool for adjusting and upgrading Animation Clips!

:zap: Innovative Animation Tweaking Tool For Unity Engine :zap:

Upgrade Animation Clips with additional procedural motion and bake it!
Tweak Animation Clip pose and save it in new AnimationClip file.
Set additional motion to some bones and save new AnimationClip for use as animation variant.

Asset Store Link: Animation Designer | Animation Tools | Unity Asset Store

Release Video:

Meet new workflow for tweaking animation!
All you need to do is using few sliders and curve window.

You don’t need to be an Animation Artist to work with this tool.
If you’re an Animation Artist, this tool will give you new possibilities!

? Maybe you bough package of some cool character but included animations quality is too low? Boost them easily with Animation Designer!

? You own lots of animation clips but you need one with arms rotated slightly different way?
Do it instantly with Animation Designer!

? Legs/Foot animation of your characters seems to be wrong?
Fix it in few clicks with Animation Designer!

:gear: Keep original animation intact!
Save modified animation as separated AnimationClip file.
Store designer animation settings for multiple animation clips, in single preset file, so you can go back for tweaking animations design, in any time!

No additional Data/Components!
Plugin is not generating any new component or data on character models you animate with Animation Designer. Keep your workspace clean and think about this plugin as core software element of the Unity Editor.

Package offers advanced IK analyze algorithms which can help you add some heavyness to walk / run animations.

You can use Animation Designer not only with characters but with any type of animated object.

:star: Carefully designed window for maximum focus!
Window of Animation Designer is designed carefully to not overwhelm user with too many GUI elements on the screen.
You can switch to focus mode hiding even more windows, to fully focus just on the needed sliders and values.

:hourglass: Time Saver for Animators!
Prepare base animation without full polishing, let do it the procedural motion algorithm. Add some flappyness to small limbs and bake it.
Adjust Unity Humanoid animation retargeting errors inside editor.

If you have some questions or troubles with the package, feel free to ask below, or on the discord server.


This does look quite interesting!
Doing small changes to existing animations always felt like struggle in Unity…

May I ask which of the features would technically be applicable to 2D bones as well?
Mean those are simply hierarchical objects too, or does your software actually require access to the bones controller etc.?

I made some space for implementing this, but I not tested it yet.
It may be possible to implement even now, but can’t tell yet. I will check it the next weeks.


Do you plan to make a tutorial video showing how to use it for something like, “start with an animation of a humanoid walking, and modify it to show the humanoid walking while carrying a box(*)?” The release video alludes to that as a use case for the tool, but I didn’t see anything in the written docs or two existing videos that really shows how you’d use Animation Designer to do something like that.

(*) Assumption: the humanoid and box being carried are two completely independent 3D assets made by someone else and purchased through the Asset Store. The humanoid is rigged and has a ‘walk’ animation, but lacks a “walk (or run, or idle) while carrying a box” animation, the box is just a static 3D model of something like a cardboard box, or maybe a giftwrapped present. Ideally, after watching the video, I’d have at least half a clue how to take the next step myself and animate the walking/running/idling humanoid casually tossing the box to one side (imagine an Amazon delivery guy running past a house while carrying a package, and just kind of tossing it in the general direction of the front door without really caring where it lands as long as he doesn’t personally trip over it). :wink:

Yes there will be tutorial for it, describing usage for arms IK and carrying box will be probably the example here.
But quick tips for making it: Set constant position for the first hand arm ik, set some blends to make animation not look so stiff (you can put the box object in the hierarchy in hand bone), then align second arm ik to first ik point + contant offset to align hand to right position (to keep it on the box) and it’s ready.

@FimpossibleCreations Hello, Your asset looks great I have a question. We have liek many many of mocap animations, many of them have problem with foot sliding, and “walking on toes” Do your tool have some options to keep foot in place, or make character walk on full foot not on toes, It would be like a deal breaker, as most of mocap animation always needs long long process of fixing these 2 things, never mind if using pro mocap studio or home record.

Second thing is If we can animate fingers with that :slight_smile: I’m talking about some automatic fingers behaviour, or poses, to give them more natural behaviour (like with gravity or some bouncing)

I think If your tool have or will have this features it will be like a deal breaker for anyone creating mocap animations :slight_smile: (so a lot of people)

Thanks! Yes you should be able to fix such issues with this tool. I wasn’t testing tool yet on something like full mocap scene of character walking for a few seconds (but I prepared some code to work with longer walk animations)
You can send me one of the problematic animations and I will send it back with some tweaks for you to review what can be achieved with the tool :wink:

  1. No, there is no fingers/face animation support, but there are future plans for “Animation Morphing” which should allow you to work with this.

any plans to make a “re-target animations to similar skeletal rigs” tool or feature addon? I’ll pay for that.

so I can edit asset store models, in blender, re-import, and re-use old animation data?

I’ll pay good money for this, by the way I own many of your assets they are good. THank you.

Hi I want to Set model foot lock in the ground, just like Foot Ik in animator, Is there any way to do this in the Animation clip

You can do it with Animation Designer.
There is tutorial of making movement attack animation to locked in place attack:

Hi, I just downloaded Animation designer asset. I am not able to find “UPPER CHEST” humanoid bone in the bone modificators tab. Can you please guide how to modify this one using the asset. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hello, it’s possible the bone you searching for will be available under “Other Bones” (below “Humanoid Bones” in bones search box)
If for some reason it’s still not here, you can alternatively drag & drop bone manually by unfolding modification:

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Hello System is awesome :slight_smile: only one thing I miss is to be able to make some fingers keyframes :slight_smile:

Humanoid posing tools will be provided in some of the future updates, but it will take at least month until this feature is ready since I have some big priorities with my other packages :wink:

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Sounds great! :slight_smile: thanks for info :slight_smile:

I think the animation designer you created is a really cool plugin.
But there is a problem in my project and it is not running.
I’m not sure what the problem is.
–unity 3.2f1 personal

I found this was conflicting with the ‘Red Knight’ I bought from the Unity Store. After deleting ‘Red Knight’ the animation designer worked fine.

This would be great but whenever I save the new animation, even without having made changes, my humanoid feet slide everywhere during walk/run cycles etc… :frowning:

Hello, sorry you had to wait, I was getting married this week :smile:
Take look on the ‘Optimize new file’ slider under export button.

You can increase animation precision by lowering the slider (check the tips on the right of the slider when you change the value), but it have big influence on the resulting file’s size, with lower precision and some foot sliding you get 100kb file but with total precision it can take about 1.5mb

Another tip: lower under ‘Additional Export Settings’ there is another slider to increase export precision just on the legs related bones called ‘Hips and legs precision boost’ if you increase it to 100% it can give you much better result for legs and get to about 1mb in comparison to full body precision.

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In your description, there is a big WARNING/NOTES section. Under “requires some animation knowledge”. I have only used the Unity in-editor Animation Window to create and edit imported animations. Would you consider my level of experience enough to use your tool? If there is sufficient documentation and it is organized logically, I am interested.

Hello, checking some of the tutorial videos on yt should help you decide if it will be good tool for you :wink: