Animation doesn't play when triggered right after instantiating object

I have a strange problem. I want to trigger animation on bunch of newly instantiated prefabs. If I trigger animation right after creating objects, nothing happens, no animation is played. If I hold it off until next call of update() , it works fine. Any tip what might be a problem?

The function in which I’m triggering animation looks like this:

protected void StartTileInitialAnimation() {
	Vector3 bottomLeftCoords = levelManager.GetBottomLeftTileCoords();
	foreach (GameObject tile in levelManager.currentLevelTiles) {
		Vector3 diff = tile.transform.position - bottomLeftCoords;
		float distance = Mathf.Abs(diff.x) + Mathf.Abs(diff.y);
		float maxDistance = 14f; 
		Animator animator = tile.GetComponent<Animator>();
		animator.enabled = true;
		animator.Play("TileAppear", -1, distance / maxDistance);
		animator.SetBool(Animator.StringToHash("shake"), true);

Did you find a clean way to do this, I have the same issue on my code …