Animation doesn't reset, despite trying a lot of ways

Asked a lot, but I have trouble doing this.
This is the menu navigation script - there are 4 buttons.

			Main_Menu_UI[0].animation["defaultButton"].time = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i <= 3; i++){

currently_animated = Main_Menu_UI*;

* for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++){*
* if(Focused_Object == Main_Menu_UI_Colliders[i-1] && !Main_Menu_UI[i-1].animation.IsPlaying(“defaultButton”))
Button_Index = i;

* if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Up) && !IsHovering){*
* Button_Index -= 1;
if(Button_Index < 1)
Button_Index = 4;

* if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Down) && !IsHovering){*
* Button_Index += 1;
if(Button_Index > 4)
Button_Index = 1;

* Debug.Log(Button_Index);*

* for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++){*
* if(Button_Index == i && !Main_Menu_UI[i-1].animation.IsPlaying(“defaultButton”))
_ /for(int x = 0; x <= 3; x++){_

* Main_Menu_UI.animation.Stop(“defaultButton”);
_ }/
* for(int x = 0; x <= 3; x++){*
* Main_Menu_UI[x].animation.Stop(“defaultButton”);
Main_Menu_UI[x].animation[“defaultButton”].time = 0;

* Main_Menu_UI[i-1].animation.Play(“defaultButton”);
When I press up or down or however above any of the buttons - the animation of that button should play and all other animations stop playing.

Create a new animation and call it something like “Idle”. Make it a single frame and add keyframes on the size in the values you need for the reset. Then when you need to “reset” your sprite play the “Idle” animation. Also, make sure that the “Idle” animation is set to Loop.