Animation event looping

I, I’ve got some code that calls a routine to throw an object when the P key is pressed, it all works fine except every time I press the P key he throws the object + 1 more every time, I’m using (Input.GetKeyDown) can someone please point out the obvious that I’m missing please.

var ThrownObject : Transform; // Set var for a object to throw
var Explosion : Transform; // Set var for the exposion to use

function Chuk()
  animation["Throw"].layer = 1;
		animation["Throw"].blendMode = AnimationBlendMode.Additive;

var throwObjectEvent = new AnimationEvent();
  throwObjectEvent.functionName = "throwObject";
	throwObjectEvent.time = 0.5;

function throwObject()
// Add a (var ThrownObject : Transform;) at top of script then drag the object you want
// to throw into it in the inspector window
var bullit = Instantiate(ThrownObject, GameObject.Find("throwSpawnPoint").transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
	bullit.rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * 2000);
		var bang = Instantiate(Explosion, GameObject.Find("throwSpawnPoint").transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

Are you sure you have put the Input.GetKeyDown in Update function?
if you put it in OnGUI, there would be more that one object thrown, maybe two, three or four…
Just check this, good luck.