Animation from Blender floating during death animation

I have an animated model of a girl getting eaten by a zombie and dying that I made in Blender. When playing the model animation in Blender it stays on the ground when she falls over to die but when I import the model into Unity that animation raises up off the ground during the fall and stays there. I can’t figure on why though.



Thanks for the reply. I’ve tried that setting too but it still acts all goofy. I’m positive at this point that it was a modeling error on my part for my animations. I’ve since then gone through more tutorials and readings to get better at it. Thanks again!

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I had the same problem. I imported dying animation from mixamo. When the dying animation played the character would lie down in mid air and not on the ground.

So in the animation tab I changed the Root Transform Position (Y), Based Upon value to “Feet” instead of “Original”.

Now the dying animation works fine.


This solved my problem

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Thanks, that helped me too.

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Thanks, that helped me too

Thank you!

This worked for me!

Thanks from me too.

Wow great thanks

I had the same problem. I imported dying animation from mixamo. When the dying animation played the character would lie down in mid air and not on the ground.

So in the animation tab I changed the Root Transform Position (Y), Based Upon value to “Feet” instead of “Original”.

Thx so much!
and don’t forget push apply button :slight_smile:

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“Root Transform Position (Y)” field seems to be missing in the latest Unity versions.