Animation Ignores Script

I wrote a death animation script:

#pragma strict

var health: float;
var healthdrop: float;
var starthealth: float;
var person: Animation;

function Start () {
	health = starthealth;

function Update () {
	if(health <= 0){

function OnTriggerEnter (other:Collider) {
	if(other.gameObject.tag == "Bullet"){
		health = health - healthdrop;

I set starthealth to 100, healthdrop to 20 and I set the animation in the inspector as this:

As you can guess, I want to play the animation once the health hits 0, but it plays the animation immediately after scene starts.

What can I do to run the animation if (health <= 0) ?

You can find an answer in Animation section of Tutorials.

You could do it with Animator, You must create an Animator, next add animations to it, and create conditions. In this case you can use bool or trigger. Script have to change it’s value.