Animation Import (Mixamo) Odd leg...

Hello! I have worked a bit with animations and mixamo before, but this is the first time I have had this particular problem and I can not crack it.

I have tried using a custom model, a mixamo model, and the unity guy and the results are the same.

Onto the problem:
I have a model (in this case, Unity Guy will be a good example) that is rigged proper and such, as well as a Mixamo animation (in this case a simple running animation).

(Full album here: Unity Rigs - Album on Imgur )

My Mixamo animation rig: (Imgur: The magic of the Internet)
My characters rig: (Barbarian Rig - Imgur)
*Note: The unity guy rig, as well as a Mixamo rigged character produces the same results

The rigs look okay, everything seems to match up, mooooving onā€¦

Letā€™s look at a walking animation:
Unity Guy Walking: (Unity Guy Walking... - Imgur)
Barbarian Walking: (Imgur: The magic of the Internet) Note: I know he is huge, I am not sure why, another problem for another day it seems

Walking looks good, lets try to run!
Unity Guy Running: (Imgur: The magic of the Internet)
Barbarian Running: (Imgur: The magic of the Internet)

Say what now? That left foot looks great!

I am not sure what is happening, why it is happening ā€¦ It happens with every animation (I did a lot of tweaking to get the walk to look halfway decent, changed some bones ā€¦ but it doesnt help when every other animation is broken and I canā€™t change the rig per animation). Right foot is fine, left foot hates the world. And when it runs it just kind of ragdolls around the ā€œankleā€ and looks terrible.

I am at a loss with this one, and I really hope someone else has seen/encountered this and knows a way I might be able to fix it!

The animations I am using can be downloaded
here (walk): Mixamo
and here (run): Mixamo
if you wanted to check for yourself.

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I saw this before - someone was having the same issue with a blender imported animation. Consider looking back through the animation sub-forum.
I cant remember the solution but a couple thoughts.
Check the avatar applied to the animations. Might want them to match the character avatar the anims are being retargetted onto.

Double check the T pose settings. Check to see if enforcing T pose helps.

Not sure if you still have this issue but as there was no solution posted, I wanted to leave a possible solution for others encountering the same weirdness. I ran into the exact same issue importing some mixamo animations. For whatever reason, the following fixed the weird bendy leg issue for me. From mixamo , download the animation with skin (I used one of the robot guys). Import into unity. View the animation and make sure it is previewed with the skin you downloaded with the mixamo animation (if not, drag the downloaded fbx to the preview window to change it). It should play correctly in the preview. Switch rig to humanoid and then switch the animation target to your own character. The weird leg problems with certain animations went away after that process though I have no idea why that fixed things.


I was having the same issue and just came across your comment, it also fixed my issues importing animations from mixamo, thanks for taking the time to post your solution!

You can also use the UMotion animation asset to fix Mixamoā€™s buggy animations. The free version works just fine for these purposes, but Iā€™d suggest buying the pro-version if you can, as itā€™s a powerful animation tool imo.

I have a fix. I had an issue where the legs animations were moving oddly, and that made the character to move super weird ( the feet were twisted, the legs passed thru each other, etc).
My solution is:

  • Make a copy of an idle model

  • Assign a humanoid rig, and choose Create for this model.

  • Rename the object something like Player Rig

  • Take all your other animations, and set the Rig to humanoid and then choose Copy form model

  • Now select your Player Rig model as the Rig of the other animationsā€¦

Hereā€™s where the fun beginsā€¦

  • Open the Player Rig model in Cinema 4D or something.

  • Set all bones rotations to zero ( relative to its parent of course ) That would make your model into a perfect T-Pose

  • Back to Unity edit the Player Rig avatar, and then go to Pose > Enforce T-Pose.

  • Select all your animations, go to Rig and click the Update button.

  • Done, all your animation issues should be fixed, for nowā€¦

Iā€™m posting this here because iā€™m too lazy to post a new thread

Oh, if something goes wrong, try going to Muscles & Settings tab in the Avatar editor, and change feet space, and/or leg twist values

And the last thing, is quite annoying but Cinema4D changes the colon of the Mixamo:Hips bones into underscores like Mixamo_Hips. That would break the rigging, if you edit a mixamo model using Cinema4D make sure to re-export all you other stuff too, thus all the bone will have the same name ( and the rigging will work)

A solution that worked for me at the end of this thread Fuse/Mixamo Animation Problem

Download the T-Pose animation and model from Maximo, set the avatar to Humanoid and Configure the Avatars bones. Then set all other Maximo models with animations to copy from the Avatar of the T-Pose model, then those animations will work on other Avatars correctly.


Ty this worked great. I have almost given up on mixamo for those odd walks.

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In the configure avatar definition screen, clicking ā€œEnforce T-Poseā€ worked for correcting my mixamo animations.

Thanks! That solved my wobbly leg problem.

Life saver, my model has been running around looking like he has two broken legs for a week! Thankyou! :slight_smile:

Thanks, mixamo broken leg is fixed !!!

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Thank you! Worked like a charm. :slight_smile:

I know this is an old topic, but for others who also has this problem, it worked for me, to go on to the import settings of the animation & make sure its humanoid. Then chnaging the avatar definition to ā€œCopy from other Avaterā€. Then i selected my own avatar, & then it worked just fine :slight_smile:


Though it is an old thread, for everyoneā€™s help here is additional option that worked for me. :slight_smile:

Ensure you have T-pose for Mixamo model and configure rig as humanoid. For all other animations, ensure you copy rig from the T-pose model. That way, the animations will not have the twisted legs.

In the Rig tab of every animation, you can set the Animation type as Legacy to fix that problem of weird leg animations. It had worked for me so far.

Works pretty fine Thanks a lot !!

Iā€™ve got a slightly different leg issue thatā€™s driving me crazy.
Any walking/running animation I get from mixamo has itā€™s legs going inwards too far and looks derpy or even completely clips.

Example: Screen capture - 685c78d89462e3a45643c38d9b64f0ae - Gyazo

Any ideas on how to fix this?
Turning on the ā€˜IKā€™ button in the preview makes it look proper, but as far as I know thereā€™s no way to directly turn it on for real time use without building it yourself.
The ā€˜Foot IKā€™ button in the Animator doesnā€™t seem to have any significant impact.

Do the other avatars have to be humanoid?

Or you can follow this video :