Hello, I’m working on a car racing game, and trying to complete the “menu” thing. There are around 5 cars from which one is to be selected to race, I was wondering if it is possible to include animations in the gui buttons? If yes would love to know how? If not suggest me with any better ways like for example a sliding menu, perhaps!
I know it is not the answer you are looking for, but using GUI in unity is usually not so much of a great idea. You should look into ways of making a UI system of your own or you could use NGUI (next Gen UI) from the asset store, well built, it will be easier to use than the GUI and way more optimized and efficient, and it will behave and be implemented just like any asset in the game.
Little hints on how to make your own UI system:
-Use a second camera that only sees a layer called UI with the clear flag set to depth only.
-Register every page in a Dictionary (or any string-object association system you can come up with) so you just have to call UI.getPage(“myPage”).show();