Animation isnt correctly imported from blender (humanoid rig)

Ive been trying to get my humanoid rig working for the last few days, but it just wont work.

My workflow:

  1. Create the animation in blender
  2. Make sure my character is in T-Pose when I export it
  3. Import character as .blend to unity
  4. Change rig type to humanoid
  5. Make sure every bone is in the right slot (Works fine)
  6. Make sure character is in T-Pose (Works fine)

So everything is working fine, till I try some of the animations.
In my idle animation, for example, the upperarm bones are rotated around their own axis for no reason.

I have no clue what I may be doing wrong and any advices would be appreciated.

Image link is broken.

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Its working for me, but It doesnt matter anymore. I find out its due to mecanim. Mecanim cant directly take the rotation on a hand bone around its own axis (Which is actually quite impossible irl too) and instead turns it into arm rotation for compensation, what led to my strange problem.