Animation issues at runtime when using Timeline.

I would like to blend between animations in Timeline. Simple right?

I create a recorded track (waving anim), on a skeleton rigged sprite. After this clip, I right click and ‘Add from existing animation’ and select the run anim. So, I’m blending from waving to run (any animation really). I cross over the tracks so it fades between them. Everything looks fine in the Timeline preview. When I run the game, during the blend, the position changes and the arm is not in the right position.

I’m thinking that the blending is getting broken when interpolating between a recorded clip and a character animation clip. Is there another way to blend anims? All I want to do is blend out of a Timeline cinematic back into gameplay. Please help with any suggestions.

Videos here:

Please help with any suggestions.

Is this an issue with pivot placement? Seems like the blend into second anim is originating at the pivot

What Sherwinkc said. You may need to add a key for the root position. The recorded clip doesn’t appear to have a key for the root, so at runtime the default value is used as a source to blend from.

After adding several key frames for the feet and arms the blend is a lot better. I guess the question is why is this not shown in the preview?

It doesn’t show in the preview, because the preview blends to a fixed pose. At runtime it blends to whatever the animator has computed prior to timeline.

I’m having a problem very similar to this! And I do have keys for root position.