I actually have two issues here, and one isn’t in Unity but in Maya rather, but I figured someone here probably knows all the answer. Obviously I’m very new to 3d game design and I’m starting school this august so I’m trying to learn as much as I can by myself first. I’m really thrilled about converting one of my old 2d project to the Unity Engine and I’d appreciate if someone can spend the time to help me here
Video Link :
So, as demonstrated in the video, I seem to have two problems.
Firstly, I exported the Skeleton (Joints) and the Geometry on which it is skinned. I exported as Falco.fbx as instructed in a video.
Then I made an animation, using the Bake tool. I exported the skeleton (if i remember correctly, as instructed in a video again) as fbx and name it Falco@Anim to specify it is an animation of Falco.
First off the FBX model needed to be scaled like x100 before being visible. Dunno why. Then, as you can see in the video, the animation just doesn’t work. I tried Legacy and a bunch of settings, and nothing worked (looked all over google).
Secondly, my main controller doesn’t seem to control the Rootjoin. Dunno why, I’m pretty sure I put a constraint on the controller to the root. As you can see in the video he sort of stays static at the root but the rest of the body moves.
I really appreciate you spending time reading my message and I’m open to any suggestion or tips.
Since this is a simple model - and relatively simple rig - I’d scrap everything you have and start from scratch.
It seems you don’t understand the fundamentals of rigging and skinning a character - so the errors you are incorporating in maya are propagating down to Unity. There are very little solutions you can perform in Unity to fix rigging, skinning and animations that aren’t setup properly. So the solution is to fix the maya workflow.
Once the rig is right, the skinning is correct and the animations are exported as required they will work in Unity with the documented setups.
A character rig is usually a hierarchy of bones that link to each other all the way down to a root bone. If there is one bone that is out of the hierarchy but parented to the root bone - this will cause issues. I mention this awkward setup - only because it looks like that is the problem in the video, however I’m not trying to address your specific issue. Instead of trying to fix your issue - it’s better that you learn a good workflow, and know where to look so you can find information that you can use to solve your own simple problems.
A rig requires a root node (master bone that the entire hierarchy is parented to) This root bone/node can be either at the COM (center of mass) usually the pelvis on bipedal characters, or at the base of the feet.
Your skinning has to be setup correctly in maya. For Unity each vertex can not be influenced by more than 4 bones. If there is one vertex that has more than 4 bone influences - the skinned mesh renderer might barf - show unexpected results over the entire mesh and show the animation exploding.
The settings in Unity by default are set for optimized characters - to modify the vertex influence settings in Unity - look in the documentation.
Friendly suggestion - look at a simple easy to follow rigging video - one that explains the concepts of a hierarchy and rigging in general. Second work through any tutorials that come with maya regarding rigging. Then after your are comfortable with setting up a rig, skinning the mesh without watching a video, then check around for some maya to Unity workflows that you think would be good for you.
After you are confident your rig and skin is correct and you are ready to export the animations to Unity - This should be open whenever you are working in Unity. Documentation really helps to understand how all things are supposed to work, not just what the guy in the video wants to show you. This is also a great resource for finding how to properly setup characters in Unity.
Thank you very much for your reply, I’m pretty sure my hierarchy is indeed messed up.
My skin was influenced by 2 max, I actually did follow a video, but I had to redo arms a couple of times, and redid so much stuff that most likely the hierarchy got screwed up.