I have four animations for player,run,idle battle,die and attack.To avoid animation mixing I put die animation on layer 2 and attack on 1…but player keeps on running.he doesn’t attack as i want when distance of player is less than 2 from enemy he should attack…but it doesn’t work well
why r u putting in layers,
i don’t know but in the animation component
there is a option called size
mention the size u want and then assign the animations
then call in the code
Your ifs are wrong. The part that plays attack never runs.
The first if checks for less than 20, so the else-if less than 2 is always false. Maybe change the order: greater than 20 idle, greater than 2 run, else (attack.)
Also, as (I think?) yogee writes, you don’t need layers for this, since you explicitly play each one. Layers are for something like: when attack stops by itself, run/idle automatically resumes Or for mixing partial animations.