Animation layout missing


I’m testing unity with the trial and I was reading the Animation section in the doc:

It says to go to: windows > layouts > animation

But I don’t see the animation in the menu, what am I missing?

Is the animation package a pro feature?


Apparently the timeline is missing in the layout of 2.5. However, you can still access all features via code (although a bit more complicated if you wanted to do something small and quick.)


Please search the forums before posting as this has been discussed a few times already.

The animation timeline window was not rewritten as part of our new UI in the Unity 2.5 launch and it’s being replaced by a better, more flexible option in Unity 2.6 which is expected later this summer.

I’m off to see if this is mentioned in the FAQ thread and if not, add it now.

Edit - it’s now listed in the FAQ thread at the top of the Support section:

Q) Where did the Animation Timeline window go? Will it come back?
A) The Animation Timeline window wasn’t rewritten in time for the Unity 2.5 launch as part of the new user interface. It is being completely revamped and improved and will be reintroduced into Unity in a 2.6 update that is expected some time during the Summer of 2009. That update will be free to existing license holders of Unity 2.x.