So, let me get this straight:
Using Animation Component (Legacy):
animation[].speed = whatever;
Using Animator Component (New):
Pass animatorcontroller to animator component.
Pass animation clip to animation state?
Add a “hash” of the “state” of the animation clip file, hash being an integer.
Create a “AnimatorStateInfo” and set to the animator.stateinfo.
Compare animation states instead of game states, by string name (bye bye intellisense), and be sure to remember and include the “layers” of your states (also by string name of course).
animator.SetFloat(“Speed”, value) //Setting vars of animator by string name and type (again, bye bye intellisense).
animator.SetTrigger(animationClipStateHashInt) instead of animation.Play(;
Done. (Probably)
And I haven’t even gotten into the visual animation state editor, but I’m assuming (and hoping) that’s just a way for non-coders to script animations in.
Unity says mecanim (Animator) is supposed to replace the legacy Animation system.
This IS how the new system works, right? The unity docs and tutorials show how to set up the animation system but not how to actually use it (how to simply play a clip). The one tut I found to do this had this ridiculously long process.
How is this an improvement? I can’t do even the most simple of animations now without a ridiculously long, convoluted, and tedius process.