Animation looks perfect in preview but rotated and scaled in game

So In the preview window for my animation it looks perfect, scaling, rotation, ect looks all right. Once i place the model into my scene and press play the model rotates and shrinks in size. What could be going wrong here? Have tried .fbx and .dae with baked animations. Also on a side note it looks like the model in the normal preview window is flipped on its side so maybe that’s an issue as well. Just not sure how the preview window shows everything perfect.

I have the same issue at times… like a treasure chest with a lid that’s bigger than the base because of the animation on the lid lol…
I don’t know why it does that, sorry, however,
my fix is to put it on an empty gameObject and rotate it to face the proper direction… so then I just pretend the gameObject is the whole object and put scripts and colliders on that.