Animation Mirror in Blend Tree

Hello everybody!

I have a problem with mirroring my animations.

In my isometric view strategy game I have units that walk on my map. I want to mirror animations of that unit so there will be less of them.
Angle 0 - Top
Angle 180 - Bottom
Units turn clockwise.

Now i want to mirror animations: 45, 90 and 135 to use them as 315, 270 and 225, but i cannot mark the mirror option in my blend tree. When I click on the buttons nothing happens.

You can see the problem on attached screen.

My question is: What can I do, to mirror those animations?


I had the same problem. It turns out that only humanoid animations can be mirrored. Since I don’t know that much about animations, I’m not sure if my solution will work out for everybody, but I simply had to go to the animation I wanted to mirror, go to “Rig” and select “Humaniod” in “Animation Type”.

Hope it helps you out.

IDK the exact nature of your animation, but it seems to be a lot of work that you could easily do in one line of code

transform.Rotate(Xangle, Yangle, Zangle);

Probably used like: transform.Rotate(0,0,Zangle);

There is another less elegant solution that more answers your question, where you use a function like:

private void Flip() {
          facingRight = !facingRight;             // Switch the way the player is labelled as facing.
          Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
          theScale.x *= -1;                // Multiply the player's x local scale by -1.
          transform.localScale = theScale;