Animation not firing for colleague

I’m working with a project that’s using the Pulsar Bytes Stylized Astronaut asset. To animate it walking, its controller has an update loop with:

if (Input.GetKey("w") || Input.GetKey("s")) {
	anim.SetInteger("AnimationPar", 1);
} else {
	anim.SetInteger("AnimationPar", 0);
// movement code here

Works fine on my system, but the animation isn’t working on a colleague’s. It looks like it’s never setting AnimationPar in the animator. Same editor version. We share code through github. Both on windows. I’m not sure what sort of differences to be looking for. Everything else seems to behave the same, just this.
Anyone seen this before, or have ideas why this might not be working?

Maybe your colleague’s animation controller isn’t configured the same as yours. I’d have him check that the spelling is correct for “AnimationPar” and that it is correctly set as a Int parameter and nor a trigger or bool.

Is that possible for them to be somehow different when the code is shared via git? We are both on Windows, so even line ending translations should be the same. But also, it’s a thing neither of us have ever altered, and I’m working off her copy that was originally submitted, so it should be as it was installed. This is why it’s such a mystery :woman_shrugging:

The controller isn’t code though, are you sharing everything on git or just your scripts?

Hey… thanks for trying. I managed to solve it. The clue was actually that it was checking specific buttons, because it turned out my colleague was using the cursor keys to move and the project was using the old input system, which I’m not used to and didn’t know it had autoconfigured two sets of keys for movement… d’oh! Changed the check to Input.GetAxis(“Vertical”) > 0f and it then works for both sets of keys.