Animation not playing correctly.

Hello everyone.

I’m having a really weird problem.

I’m not sure if its my fault or maybe its a bug.

So here it what I have:

I have a 3D character that I rigged using mixamo auto-rigger.

I then animated it with the built-in unity animator.

Here is how it looks when I test it with the animator:


And here is how it looks in-game:


I made sure all the needed bones have keyframs so I don’t know whats wrong.

I’m moving from a different animation to this one.


I’m using unity 3.5.5f3, so no mecanim.


Since you are moving from another animation (anim-A) to this one (anim-B), it is possible that the some of bones used in anim-B are affected by the bones in anim-A (most probably between the bone and bone-parents).

A quick way to explain:

  1. There are 2 bones ( bX and bY, and bX is parent of bY ), then there are 2 animations ( A1 and A2 ).
  2. In A1, you animate bX only; in A2, you animate bY only.
  3. Therefore, when you animate A2, bX has no keyframe as it is not animated. ( Since you keyframe the needed bones only )
  4. But when you play A1 first then A2, it is possible that the affected bX has unexpected effects on its child bone bY, which will turn out a undesired outcome.

You can check whether my hypothesis is true by running the following scenario(seperately):

  1. Play just anim-B in play-mode
  2. Play anim-A then anim-B (the one that causes problem)

If in the first scenario turns out fine (no problem at all), then you will have to check the bones that were animated in anim-A, and which of these bones are affecting the bones in anim-B.

If the 1st scenario turns out to be not okay, then I can’t help much because this is as far as I can go.