Animation on Physical Camera lens settings is broken

I have animation on the lens focal length, aperture, ISO and shutter speed. The values change in the animation window but don’t show up in the game view. It reverts to the last keyed values.

EDIT: I should have mentioned I’m using PathTracing. It works with pathTracing off but breaks with it on.

I am using 2022.2b8

In case it’s the same problem, I just noticed that my Cinemachine Virtual Camera properties for Aperture, Iso, and Shutter Speed no longer control the Main Camera values for these properties. The project was upgraded from 2022.1 where the virtual camera values did override the main camera properties (you could not change them in main camera - they were marked as locked). Blending between virtual cameras would allow you to adjust the settings for example in a Timeline.

For me, Focal Length is still controlled by Focal Length on the virtual camera (you cannot change it on the main camera - it is locked from changing), along with Field of View. So the virtual camera is still finding the right main camera, and some things do get locked. Its only the Aperture/ISO/Shutter Speed for me.

Out of curiosity - were you animating the main camera properties directly? Or using a cinemachine virtual cameras? I am wondering if they accidentally changed the ids on some properties, so code using the old ids/names/whatever is not finding the properties as their ids changed by accident.

I’m animating the camera settings directly -no cinemachine virtual cameras.

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