Animation play after another finish

Hey guys, i’m brazilian like my name .-. and I don’t know speak english well(i’m not using google translator).

I am newer in unity(more or less), and I need a JS like that:

 function Update(){




wait this animation over....

and play the animation from down




I want like hits, exemple : punch with left hand , punch with right hand…

plllzzz i need this - to complete my game
(so i’m not so newer like i said, but i’m noob ‘-’)

i don’t know if you will understand what is from down…
if you don’t look at google translator : “debaixo”

*“arranhar” is scratch in portuguese

repeating :
i wanna hits with same button click mouse one time = animation 1 click mouse more one time = animation2

animations’ name : arranhar , arranhar_hit1

I’ve put like wikipedia(everybody can edit this) to reform something wrong

#pragma strict

var AnimNamesList : List.<String>;
var AnimNumber : int;
var AnimPlaying : boolean;

function Start()

function Update()

function PlayAnimation()
	if(AnimPlaying == false)
		AnimPlaying = true;
		yield WaitForSeconds (animation.clip.length);
		AnimPlaying = false;

You want PlayQueued.
Or maybe CrossFadeQueued? In any case, you need to read all the Scripting Reference has to say about animations.

animation.PlayQueued ("arranhar_hit1",QueueMode.CompleteOthers);