Hello everyone,
I am working on a small game right now. I am currently using Legacy Animations since that is the only way the asset I bought works with animations. I am controlling only three animations with a script using an enum structure. Everything seems to be working okay besides one animation, which plays late. I feel that it may be due to the order of events being called, but after debugging all of the functions I am at a loss as to what is going wrong. I even tried moving the play animation code around with no luck.
Here is the animation control script which can be accessed from other scripts:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class HockeyPlayerController: MonoBehaviour
private enum HPState
private HPState state = HPState.Idle;
private Animation hpAnim;
void Start()
hpAnim = GetComponent<Animation>();
state = HPState.Idle;
void Update()
switch (state)
case HPState.Idle:
// Check to see that other animations
// are not playing before going to Idle
if (!hpAnim.IsPlaying("SlowSkatePoseShoot") && !hpAnim.IsPlaying("Score"))
case HPState.Shooting:
state = HPState.Idle;
// Set the state to Idle to
// allow for transition
case HPState.Celebrating:
state = HPState.Idle;
// Set the state to Idle to
// allow for transition
public void hpShoot()
state = HPState.Shooting;
public void hpCelebrate()
state = HPState.Celebrating;
Here is the GameController script that calls the hpShoot and hpCelebrate functions to work with the animations:
public class GameController : MonoBehaviour {
GameObject hp1, hp2, hp3;
HockeyPlayerController hp1Control, hp2Control, hp3Control;
public bool goalScored;
bool shooterReady;
float timer;
int goalsAllowed, saves;
void Start ()
// Find the hockey players
hp1 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("HockeyPlayer1");
hp2 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("HockeyPlayer2");
hp3 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("HockeyPlayer3");
// Get hockey players' controller scripts
hp1Control = hp1.GetComponent("HockeyPlayerController") as HockeyPlayerController;
hp2Control = hp2.GetComponent("HockeyPlayerController") as HockeyPlayerController;
hp3Control = hp3.GetComponent("HockeyPlayerController") as HockeyPlayerController;
shooterReady = true;
void Update()
if (shooterReady)
// Select a hockey player to shoot
void HockeyPlayerSelection()
shooterReady = false;
System.Random rand = new System.Random();
int num = rand.Next(2,3);
if (num == 1)
if (goalScored)
goalScored = false;
else if (num == 2)
Debug.Log("Check If Goal Scored");
if (goalScored)
goalScored = false;
else if (num == 3)
if (goalScored)
goalScored = false;
IEnumerator HockeyPlayerTurn()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(8);
shooterReady = true;
Right now I am testing with Hockey Player 2. Calling the hpShoot function works as I want it to, however, when calling the hpCelebrate function, it waits until after the goalScored = false to play, yet I tested the bool goalScored and it turns to true right away so I know there is no issue with that. Do you see anything wrong that could be better?