Animation plays just once "OnMouseEnter"

Hey Guys.

I have a locker and, when I go on MouseEnter the door of the locker opens and when i go out of the Collider the door closes, but if I try it again it doesn't play anything

I got this Script

    var pos : Rect ;
private var showButton : boolean = false;

function OnMouseEnter()
    animation.Play ("Default Take");

function OnMouseExit()
    animation["Default Take"].speed = -1.0;

function OnMouseDown()
 showButton = true;

function OnGUI()
    GUI.Box ( Rect (0,0,200,100), "Text hier" );

Try set the speed to `1.0` since you set it to `-1.0` during `OnMouseExit`.

function OnMouseEnter()
    animation["Default Take"].speed = 1.0;
    animation.Play ("Default Take");