Hey guys,
I’m currently working on a fairly big project, and I’m starting to ask myself how I should go about animations. I’m currently play testing with free asset on the asset store, and there is two very different approaches animation :
- The animation makes the character move, rotate etc
- The animation don’t change character position, and I have to do movement myself
Currently, my “player” walk, run animations don’t make the model move, and I use a navMeshAgent + code to makes the character move (a bit STR-like, you click somewhere, guy goes there).
This is totally fine for me, I’m a dev and don’t have any problem doing the movement work etc, but I face problems.
I downloaded some really cool animations on the asset store (Warrior packs 2&3), but they make the model move, and it f**** up everything (which is normal).
So, before going any further (and as I probably pay someone to do animations for my project, or learn it myself) what are the pros&cons of both ? Should I only work with animations that doesn’t change model positions ? Or do everything in the animations ? Or maybe I can do both but I yet don’t know how to proceed.
Thanks a lot if you have any suggestions