Animation position changes everytime I play the animation


I’ve been trying to create a death animation for an enemy object in my scene.I created an animation on an empty object in which i placed all my child objects like hands and legs.I animated them but now everytime I try to use the animation at a different position the object plays the animation,but not at the current positon.

I made these two screenshots so maybe they could help u to help me.

This is my death script(the one I use to play the animation) :

var enemy : Transform;
var ai : Ai;
var aiDeath : AIDeath;

function Start()
	ai = enemy.GetComponent(Ai);
	aiDeath = enemy.GetComponent(AIDeath);

function OnTriggerEnter(col : Collider)
		Destroy (ai);
		Destroy (aiDeath);

Thank you for your time!

I think my unity got bugged or something,so I created a new animation and named it different,but its the same one.And it works.God knows what went wrong but Im glad it’s fixed now.Thanks everyone for trying to help and taking your time to read this.
