I’m playing an animation for a guy climbing a ladder. The way we’ve done it, the animator animates the guy from a Start pos to and End pos. When the anim is done, I change the animation to the idle anim, and move the object’s position to the End pos.
It works, except the new animation and new position don’t happen in the same frame. So he appears back at the bottom of the ladder since the animation updates first, then he reappears back at the top when the position updates. I tried adding a one-frame delay between the position and animation update, but that didn’t seem to work.
if(_animation[ladderUpAnimation.name].normalizedTime >= 1.0)
temppos = offMeshLinkEndPos;
temppos.y = transform.position.y + offMeshLinkEndPos.y - offMeshLinkStartPos.y;
transform.position = temppos;