i used to see the animation preview window in the bottom of my inspector but its not showing anymore
anyone know how to get it back?
BTW, rig is set to humanoid and so is the model, animations work, just no preview.

i used to see the animation preview window in the bottom of my inspector but its not showing anymore
Click on the bar right at the bottom.
cool, i thought i looked everywhere and somehow missed the most obvious place.
Lolol I had this same issue, thank you.
+1 @Kybernetik : you re awesome!
bro which bar can you please tell
which bar?
On the bottom right, the bar that says “Toss”. Click that to expand, and you should be able to see preview.
For anyone who still can’t find the “bar” on the bottom right, make sure you are looking in the “inspector” panel.
Here is an image that will hopefully help:
Helpful for me too. I found this issue while doing the Create with Code course.
Thank you