Animation Queue - How to know when a new animation on the queue starts

I am doing a sequence of animations and I need to do some code at the beginning of each animation in the queue, how I can know when the animation starts playing?

I couldn’t found any way to do that I am looking something like onAnimationStart(), on newQueueAnim…


How are you playing the sequence of animations? Do you call them from code or are they all one big animation?

I grab the animations on motionList1 variable and do a loop so I can queue all them to play the sequence

foreach (AnimationClip animClip in motionList1)
goAnimation.animation.CrossFadeQueued(,2, QueueMode.CompleteOthers, PlayMode.StopAll);

I want to add some code every time the animation in the queue will start but I can not see a way to access this event.

I forgot to mention that the animations are extracted from the fbx, and I have a fbx for each animation.