Hi, i have problem using 2 bone animation rigging constraint on hands of my character. I set up them exactly the same for both hands, but for some reason right hand seems rotated 180 degrees. What can be wrong/root of the problem? Thanks!
I would look at your bones orientation. Also make sure there’s no weird scaling/rotation on your bones.
I would try with another model from Maximo to compare.
@danUnity_1 thanks, can’t see any problems with scale. but i noticed that bones orientations/rotation may be the problem, though it worked fine when i set stuff with animators SetIKRotation() and SetIKPosition(). should be forward direction same as bone “visual direction” (can i change it in unity or need to go into 3d tool used)?
You need to use a 3D tool to re-orient the bones if that’s the issue. That process needs to happen before the skinning where you attach each bone to the “skin” of your character even though I don’t see one in your grabs . You can also do some tests and compare the bones directions with some free characters here that are rigged properly here: Mixamo
The bone direction is a topic on its own and not everybody does it the same way. Your right arm bones directions seems to be off though. Try changing your right arm bone directions to be the same as the left arm. (Without any rotation to the bone itself)
big thanks, think i figured out stuff.