Animation rigging doesnt work until I disable and re-enable Rig Builder

I’m making a shooter game and want to make my character hold weapons by changing the targets for hand TwoBoneIKConstraints throught script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Animations.Rigging;
using Bolt;

public class WeaponManagerScript : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject[] slots;
    public Rig handRig;
    public TwoBoneIKConstraint rightHand;
    public TwoBoneIKConstraint leftHand;

    int held = 0;

    void Start()
        //rightHand = handRig.transform.Find("RightHandConst").GetComponent<TwoBoneIKConstraint>();
        //leftHand = handRig.transform.Find("LeftHandConst").GetComponent<TwoBoneIKConstraint>();
        SwitchWeapon(0, 0);

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) SwitchWeapon(held, 0);
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2)) SwitchWeapon(held, 1);
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3)) SwitchWeapon(held, 2);
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha4)) SwitchWeapon(held, 3);

    void SwitchWeapon(int current, int target)
        held = target;

        Debug.Log("Switching from " + current + " to " + target);
        foreach(var obj in slots)
            WeaponScript wep = obj.GetComponentInChildren<WeaponScript>();
            if(wep) wep.enabled = false;
        WeaponScript awep = slots[target].GetComponentInChildren<WeaponScript>();
        if (awep) awep.enabled = true;

        Transform newRightHand = null;
        Transform newLeftHand = null;

            newRightHand = awep.transform.Find("RightGrip").transform;


            newLeftHand = awep.transform.Find("LeftGrip").transform;


        if (newRightHand != null)
   = newRightHand;
            rightHand.weight = 1f;
            Debug.Log("No right grip!");
            rightHand.weight = 0f;

        if (newLeftHand != null)
   = newLeftHand;
            leftHand.weight = 1f;
            leftHand.weight = 0f;


The problem is this doesn’t work (target and weight doesn’t get changed) unless I disable and re-enable RigBuilder compoenent in the editor when the game is already running (doing the same through script doesnt help). Can someone please help me fix this issue?

@Leprawel Same issue here, it’s very weird, if you debug the weight value after change the value, shows the information that you expect, but doesn’t change nothing in the inspector

Same here. Spent a couple hours trying to figure it out, but I’m glad I’ve found this.