Animation Rigging Effectors: How about a directional one?

For certain objects, like IK Targets, it’s very helpful to be able to look at the target and know its orientation. Currently, the best I can do is the Box Effector, which at least gives me a rough sense. But it would be helpful to be able to use an arrow, or something that gave an unambiguous indication of direction.

Is it possible to author my own effector from an arbitrary mesh? Or could one perhaps be added to the project?

Scroll down a page or two to find your answer.

Heh, well, I feel dumb now. Not sure how I missed the fact that I can assign whatever mesh I want. Thanks.

One behavior I don’t understand is, it seems that if I use one of the built-in effector meshes, I can click on the mesh to select the associated game object. But if I use some arbitrary mesh instead, the mesh isn’t clickable. Is there something special about the included effector meshes that makes them interactable? Any way to get the same behavior with other meshes?

I’ve been having this same issue after using a custom handle mesh for IK, did you ever figure out how to make it clickable?

No, sorry. Never figured it out, and I rarely use Rigging anymore, so no real insights here, unfortunately.