Thanks for your reply, I’ve noticed that when I remove the game object the error disappear …
I’ve make a new project and make the animation rigging and all of the stuff, everything was working correctly and I complete all the animation rigging.
I’ve closed the project and re open it again in the next day, the error comes back and I don’t know why ??
Run into the same problem, trying to add a gun to character
gun hierarchy was Empty Game Object(only transform) → Gun Object (mesh,meshrendr etc…)
made it only Gun object, with no parent, well it worked, but later I tried to place it in other empty parent, and it was working without errors…
it could be cuz gun object was as prefab with empty parent…
if prefabs’ root is just empty object and child is the actual object it will cause this error
Just here to add what caused the error for me, which was that a multi aim target source was reparented.
I really wish the errors would be less cryptic!
In my case, with Mechanim animation set up and using IK Pass on the animation layer, I was getting same error. Solved it by slightly lowering the Weight value on the Multi-Aim Constraint component
Solution that worked for me: The animator had to be on the root transform of the model (where unity automatically adds it when you import a new model into a scene). Then the rig as a child of the animator transform.
I had moved my animator to the parent object before I started using the rigging package. Which was working, until I made some changes to the bones in my model in blender. That’s what caused it to break.
If anyone has same hierarchy as me like animator in parent but then all things in another child. just move everything outside of that child. Not only rig object but skeleton too. Because even if I put rig object to correct place I could not move target. It was moving when I create parent of target and move parent. Instead I moved everything outside of child, it solved.
randomly ran into this error when adding a child too deep in a hierarchy. If you get it think back to what the deepest child is you added to the hierarchy, and find a way to move it up a level.
Any news on this? I see there is a fix for Animation Rigging 1.3.0.
But Animation Rigging 1.3.0 states that it requires Unity 2023 beta… this is a blocker for us on our project and I am hoping Unity will backport this bug fix to Unity 2022 at least.
Im fighting with this problem all day, sometimes it just breaks randomly.
and just now i randomly tried to use the Restore Bind pose in the rigging menu and then ctrl-z then it worked again
Just coming back to this now after a few years with 2022.3.17f1 LTS and having issues again.
This time the error kept reporting;
Transform ‘CATRigHub003’ for human bone ‘Head’ not found InvalidOperationException: The TransformStreamHandle cannot be resolved
I tried my previous trick, a whole bunch of other things and every other suggestion on here and some other threads. None worked.
So I had a few wines and thought about it, it kept mentioning “CATRigHub003” and the head bone. The entire character was not a prefab (unpacked completely). The head bone on the character in the scene was called “Head”.
I went and had a look at the original mesh that was imported and the “Head” bone was originally called “CATRigHub003”. I renamed the head bone on my unpacked scene character to match and the problem is gone.
Renaming the objects so they don’t have the same name worked for me! Make sure you don’t have any gameobjects as children under the Animator component that have the same name.