Animation Rigging has duplicated name of Assembly Definition

Animation Rigging Package has below;

  • Editor/Unity.Animation.Rigging
  • Runtime/Unity.Animation.Rigging

Now, Editor/Unity.Animation.Rigging’s internal name is Unity.Animation.Rigging.Edit.

It should be renamed to Editor/Unity.Animation.Rigging.Editor.

The same name makes confusion on Assembly Definition References specifying.

Thank you for reporting this. This should be fixed in Animation Rigging version 0.3.0 and on wards. Internally we already ran into this a while back. What version of Animation Rigging are you using?

Hi Jebtor,

Sorry to forget my environmental information.

My environment is here:

  • Unity: 2019.3.4f1
  • Animation Rigging: 0.2.5-preview
  • OS: Windows10 Pro

No problem. The naming is corrected from 0.3 on wards. Sorry for the inconvenience

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Hello, which version will be available in unity 2019.4?
Actually i don’t see any upgrade on the 2019.3 unity line (still on 0.2.6) but only in the 2020.1.