Animation Rigging issue

Hello all,
I am facing an issue with animation rigging…I am working on a TPS controller,

Firstly I have used multiparent constraint to control gun’s position and rotation to a transform which is working fine (gif 1)

Then i used two bone constraint to control player left hand to a transform which is working fine too (gif 2)

but then when i use it to control the right hand to a transform the gun suddenly start animating with the body(gif 3 ) .

The gun is actually on player right hand in hierarchy, but i dont understand why it matters as the gun already has a multiparent constraint.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Here is some screenshots of my hierarchy


Here are the Gifs …


I tried hiding the gun in player hand and dropping a new gun prefab in the player root hierarchy…now everything is working fine. So gun should be in the root hierarchy for the two bone constraint to work correctly rather than in the player hand.

but now i am facing problem with reload animation…how will i sync the players reload animation with the gun which has aim constraint.