Animation Rigging Package - Burst Compatibility/Requirements

Animation Rigging Burst Compatibility/Requirements [PS5/Xbox Series X]

Hello, our project(2020.3 HDRP) uses the Animation Rigging Package(1.1.0) which lists Burst(1.4.1) as a dependency in the package manager.
However the package manual page does not list it as a requirement, merely 2020.2 and later.

Burst requirements itself seem to state pretty explicitly that there is no support for PS5 / Xbox Series X.

We are developing on PC, but will be porting to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in 2022 and need to
know when Burst will support those platforms and/or does the Animation Rigging Package
function if Burst is disabled for either of those two platforms but perhaps with reduced performance?

In short:

  • Does Animation Rigging Package work on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X or not?

  • When is the Burst support for PS5 and Xbox Series X expected to be released?


Yes, you’ll still be able to use Animation Rigging if you disable burst. Burst is used to optimize the jobs, but they will also run fine without it.

Unfortunately, I don’t have that knowledge, you might have better success asking in the burst sub-forums.

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The first question was the important bit, thank you.
I’ll go and ask around in the burst sub-forum about the second question.